Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • vejella
    08-01 01:40 PM
    I have seen many cases where the GC is given to primary applicant and none of his /her benificiaries got GC and otherwise , even though their name checks are cleared.

    My Guess is for x number of GCs processed during last week of june, most of the 2008 quota is consumed by their benificiaries just to clean up the mess.

    For the retrogressed countries /categories with thighter quota restrictions , i would not be too much hopefull for atleast couple of years.

    Just MY 2Cents

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  • Ennada
    09-13 12:25 PM
    EB2 and EB3 at one point were in the same boat. Now that EB2 is advancing and is way ahead of EB3, the EB3 applicants are upset and angry. Their anger is very much justified. However, their anger should not be directed towards EB2 applicants.

    As I pointed out in another post, we are all players here and we are all playing by the rules. The system is not fair. Anger should be directed towards the system and not towards EB2s.

    "hate the game, don't hate the playa....Chris Rock" is appropriate here.

    Most of the EB2s, if not all, are supportive of reform and are supportive towards EB3 friends. The anger may lead to the disruption of this support.

    We are all in this together. We all need to stay together.

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  • nonimmi
    06-11 04:39 PM
    Please keep all bilateral discussion between yourself. Most discussions are soon being targeted to personal criticism or attack. Please respect others views (which are following IV line of course) and be polite.

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  • DudefromBombay
    09-23 01:20 PM
    I am eagerly waiting for the Nov Election results. Can't wait to see Democtas losing House and Senate and can't wait to see the Back of "BARRACK"


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  • paskal
    08-22 03:02 PM
    This sound like a good idea...our first option is to attend the rally. But if for some reason we are not able to make it...we can identify a place in all the states on the same day to show support for the DC rally.. I tried to find someone in Buffalo...but noone responded..dont know whether I will be able to attend the rally in DC.

    if no one responds here, please find a friend in Buffalo to travel with you!
    or in Rochester or Syracuse or something. Plesae help spread the word about the rally. The University most definitely has affected folks- in fact it has oodles of them! let us know hoe we can help you with motivating people to come...if you could collect enough bus could start in Buffalo and work it's way down...

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  • Motivated
    01-06 08:38 AM
    So many bills are introduced but most don't even see day of light.. I personally don't see this ever passing the congress.. For most treaty countries this feature is already available and its called E1/E2 visa.. There is no limit on number of people and number years for visa.

    Exactly, many bills are introduced, but >80% of them do not come out of the committees. If the bill has support form a large number of legislators then it has a chance! Besides Lugar and Kerry who else supports this bill?


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  • 485Mbe4001
    01-25 04:27 PM
    :D he also wants his approval rating to cross 50%, bring world peace... State of the Union is something you should watch with a bag of popcorn or chips.
    TOI has a history of copy and paste jobs, they will make it sound like Bush is sending his own plane to get educated desis to US s/articleshow/1461553.cms

    This is very promising and can help our IV team to press on for relief provisions for Skilled workers already here.

    Good luck to us all.

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  • Leo07
    09-16 05:52 PM
    done done done...


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  • gparr
    November 25th, 2005, 04:38 PM
    My primary tip is patience. When the wind is blowing, even slightly, if you're patient you will start to get in tune with the wind and be able to pick out the calm moments that always occur. You just have to be ready and then get off as many shots as possible during that calm moment. I shoot as many of my flower shots as I can very early or very late in the day. By very early, I mean at or just after sunrise. The wind is usually calm for a short while until the sun starts to heat the admosphere. I've had considerable success shooting in the very soft light at or after sunset, when the wind also calms. Long shutter speeds though. Unfortunately, too many blooms aren't open until the sun is higher in the sky and you have to resort to patience.

    I've also had great success with a trick Don Bevis shared. You can get thin bamboo sticks in bundles for just a couple of dollars at your local nursery. Get the longer ones. I always carry two of them with me and stick them in the ground so that they apply slight pressure to the plant stem. This cuts down considerably on the movement. Don't know where Don learned the trick, but it works.

    Some use a tool called a Plamp. See it here ( I've never used one, though have been tempted. The fear I have is that any clamping device will damage the plant. I shoot a lot in the gardens of several neighbors and at the Chicago Botanic Garden and make it a point to never leave any trace of my having been there. In other words, no footprints in the flower beds, no damaged plants, nothing. Don's trick works so well because it steadies the plant without causing any damage. It doesn't always work, but it does so often enough that it's worth hauling the sticks around.

    I've also read several threads on other sites where people describe using "tents" to both diffuse the light and to stop the wind. I don't have any links for solid techniques, but will try to find some. It's tempting, though yet another piece of gear to carry.

    These days I make heavy use of my 5-in-1 disk for diffusion and reflection. I have the 22-in. Photoflex Multidisc (, which I like a lot. It's excellent for a lot of light control purposes and sometimes serves as a good wind block. There are cheaper ones, but Kevin Sadler talked me into spending more money to get a quality product and I haven't regretted it.

    When all else fails, I resort to flash to get the shot. I greatly dislike using flash and only use it when I want a shot and know that it's get it now or never. If I can come back and get the shot at a calmer time without flash, I will. I do use flash on occasion if I feel that the shot needs a little spark of light, but generally not. Flash is always used on a remote cord and diffused in some way, either with the wide-angle diffuser that's built into it, or by shooting through or bouncing it off of my multidisc.

    As for shooting technique, a tripod is a must. I have two, but the one I use for flower shots allows me to splay the legs out and get the camera very low and/or allows me to reverse the column (I bought a short column to replace the one that came with the tripod) and hang the camera upside down. I use a ball head with a quick release. I also almost always use a remote release and frequently use mirror lock up. It's amazing how many images I've ruined because I moved the camera by pushing the shutter button or vibration from the mirror cause the slightest blur.

    But above all, getting flower shots just requires a lot of patience. Hope all of this rambling helps.

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  • Hermione
    09-27 08:49 AM
    Law abiding? I beg to differ. Application for asylum goes to court only if the petitioner spent more than one year illegally in the US.

    That does not change the fact that the immigration system is broken, I just want to point out that what is considered to be "law abiding" or "law breaker" is aften very-very relative. We are all in the same boat.


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  • srarao
    07-19 02:30 PM
    Hi All,
    My skin test was positive, where as my x-ray was normal.Incase I get an RFE , Can I go to my PCP or need to go only to local health dept.

    Can some body guide me
    $100-so far

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  • NolaIndian32
    02-10 10:05 PM
    I agree, you should stay on an H1b as much as you possibly can. The H1b is already approved and you can transfer an existing H1b to a new employer (don't have to get a new H1b). But if you invoke the EAD status, you will forever lose your H1b. If anything goes wrong with your pending I-485 and you are still on an H1b, you still have time to appeal and to work through the issues. But if you are on the EAD at this time, then thats it, you have no time left because your EAD is issued to you as conditional approval of your pending I-485. You need to weigh the risks and benefits in taking a job with an employer who will not sponsor you on an H1b.

    Best of Luck


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  • logiclife
    08-03 05:25 PM
    I worked for a firm for last couple of years and then moved to another firm. Now I want to apply for a Perm process and need the Experience letter. My previous employer has issued me the experience letter without my roles and responsibility:

    It was an unprotected word file, so I changed it and incorporated the roles and responsibilty and my self submitted it to my employer; Now i am afraid if they are going to verify it.

    1. What is the INS verification process?
    2. Do employer can verifty it by Fax?
    3. What can happen if INS came to know that everything was fine except the roles and responsibilities was included afterwards?

    What you did was creative (in a bad way). Sorta illegal. And sorta forgerish and borderline fraudulent. I am not judging you, I am just telling you how it sounds.

    Now, how did you add material to the word document that was already signed? And therin lies the bad part.

    Anyways, correspondence between USCIS and employer/lawyer/employee is always thru mail. I dont think they communicate thru faxes.

    Now, if for some reason INS (and by the way, its USCIS now) came to know afterwards, then you are in a deep hole because it sounds like fraud. Fraud is grounds of denial of immigration benefits (any benefit, like H1, or GC or citizenship). Besides, roles and responsibilities are not really needed if the letter says that all conditions in labor cert and 140 are still valid and employment is still offered as per labor cert. Then you dont need detailed description of what you are doing. And even if you felt the urge to add that part in your letter, why didnt you just ask them that?

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  • swissgear
    06-24 11:20 AM
    NYC mayor, major CEOs lobby for immigration reform (

    NYC mayor, major CEOs lobby for immigration reform
    By SARA KUGLER FRAZIER, Associated Press Writer

    Associated Press June 24, 2010 04:56 AM Copyright Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    Thursday, June 24, 2010

    06-24) 04:56 PDT New York (AP) --

    Chief executives of several major corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Disney and News Corp., are joining Mayor Michael Bloomberg to form a coalition advocating for immigration reform — including a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants now in the United States.

    The group includes several other big-city mayors and calls itself the Partnership for a New American Economy. It seeks to reframe immigration reform as the solution to repairing and stimulating the economy.

    Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corp., appeared together Thursday on Fox News to discuss the effort.

    "We're just going to keep the pressure on the congressmen," Murdoch said. "I think we can show to the public the benefits of having migrants and the jobs that go with them."

    Bloomberg added, "Somebody has to lead and explain to the country why this is in our interest."

    The CEOs said Thursday in statements that their companies — and the nation — depend on immigrants.

    "It's our great strength as a nation, and it's also critical for continued economic growth," Walt Disney Co. Chairman and CEO Robert Iger said in a statement. "To remain competitive in the 21st century, we need effective immigration reform that invites people to contribute to our shared success by building their own American dream."

    The group says it intends to make its point to policymakers by "publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums and paying for public education campaigns."

    The tactics are similar to those used by Bloomberg's coalition of mayors who support gun control.

    Bloomberg has for years criticized the federal government for its immigration laws, proposing in 2006 a plan that would have established a DNA or fingerprint database to track and verify all legal U.S. workers.

    The billionaire mayor, a former CEO of the financial information company Bloomberg LP, also said at the time that all 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States should be given the opportunity for citizenship, saying that deporting them is impossible and would devastate the economy.

    Lawmakers who wanted to deport all illegal immigrants were "living in a fantasy world," he said.

    He has recently taken up the fight again, declaring this week that U.S. immigration policy "is national suicide."

    "I can't think of any ways to destroy this country quite as direct and impactful as our immigration policy," he said Wednesday. "We educate the best and the brightest, and then we don't give them a green card."

    The group's main immigration goals are to secure the borders, develop an easy system for employers to verify work eligibility, hold companies accountable for breaking the laws and improve the use of technology to prevent illegal immigration.

    The group also wants more opportunities for immigrants to join the U.S. work force and a path to legal status for all undocumented immigrants.

    Bloomberg spokesman Jason Post said no money has been spent on the effort yet, and he could not say whether the group will be a standard nonprofit, a political action committee or a group known as a 501(c)4 nonprofit, which can operate outside the more strict limits governing political action committees.

    The business leaders in the coalition employ more than 650,000 people and make more than $220 billion in annual sales, combined.

    The effort marks Bloomberg's return to national issues after he spent 2009 campaigning for a third term, focusing mostly on New York City's municipal concerns.

    The Republican-turned-independent spent about two years testing the waters for an independent 2008 presidential run, but ultimately he gave up the idea.

    By recruiting business leaders and mayors into a national-issue coalition, he is highlighting both of his backgrounds in running a city and running a business, which could be seen as an early move to dust off his presidential aspirations.

    Read more: NYC mayor, major CEOs lobby for immigration reform (


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  • whattodo21
    04-23 12:18 PM
    working with USCIS may yield us better results than suing them. the process may be slow, and it won't antagonize them against us (if they are not already!)

    iv is pursuing the right strategy.

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  • chanduv23
    09-29 03:37 PM
    Hope there are a few more approvals today and tomorrow before dates retrogress...

    I would say "no hopes"


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  • small2006
    07-21 10:27 AM
    See my post here under the subject "FP Notice received..finally!"

    Hope this helps.

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  • adobe howm
    09-03 01:02 PM
    I just called USCIS and confirmed with TSC and 2nd level customer service center that my case is approved on monday 09/01/09 SLUD date even though i have not recieved email for same.. Thank you all and good luck.

    Could make sure that you have had a soft LUD on your portfolio is what made you to call CIS ?

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  • GCKaMaara
    10-15 11:58 AM
    I think that is the humanitarian parole......but there have been over aggressive officers at the POE who mix up the two......

    My suggestion to you is use your H1B(if possible) or take an infopass and get an expedited AP.

    I Second this idea.

    03-06 12:56 PM
    You are not alone.

    We have the same problem.

    EAD applied in July 07, EAD card received in Oct 07 and the card was made expired 01/01/07 by WAC.

    Called USCIS hotline, tried new applications with WAC, TSC and Info pass, still waiting if WAC is going to correct its own mess.

    Big headache.

    Good luck everyone.


    PS. concurrently filing with NSC then moved to WAC then to TSC. Now pending!!!!:(:(

    10-06 06:07 PM

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