Wednesday, June 29, 2011

compaq 420 specifications

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  • Compaq Presario CQ61-420US

  • wellwisher02
    03-29 01:33 PM
    As proof of funds for landing, do we need to carry cashiers-checks etc or just a plain printout of bank-statement (INGDirect) is good enough?


    Just carry your bank statements. No need to carry cash or cashier's checks.
    Visit your bank's website, log into your bank savings/checking account and download your bank account statements.

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  • COMPAQ Presario CQ61-420US

  • rajesh_kamisetty
    07-21 10:20 AM
    EAD RD: 21 May 2008
    LUD: 6 June 2008
    FP/Photo: 15 Jun 2008
    Current EAD Exp Date: 30 Aug 2008

    compaq 420 specifications. The specification is addressed
  • The specification is addressed

  • tonyHK12
    02-25 04:08 PM
    Contributed another $50 (Transaction ID: 71P262761L0967946)

    Tony, what is the deadline for raising the money?

    thanks indigokiwi. The deadline is end of March, but we would like a large amount of this raised much earlier, since it involves making reservations, booking appointments, for Eg. with the lobbyist.
    We need to raise about $1000 everyday to meet the goal.
    Adding this to post #236

    Admins, some anti is going around giving reds to each post of volunteers and donors from 3 days.

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  • mygc2006
    11-19 07:35 AM
    Emails sent for me and my wife!


    compaq 420 specifications. Compaq Presario CQ61-420US
  • Compaq Presario CQ61-420US

  • eb3_nepa
    06-20 10:35 AM
    A question about CIR. Currently isin't it more beneficial for anti-immigrants to just ensure that absolutely NOTHING is done to CIR? That way the Senate version of CIR never sees the light of day, but since it doesnt die either, no other legislation can come into place.

    I guess my question is, how & when exactly does CIR "die"/get phased out of the picture so that other legislations may be considered?

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  • 485Question
    10-04 05:20 PM
    �Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself.�

    What worries you, masters you. There are lot of others who are more worried since long, due to different reasons. Let's encourage them, and share our thoughts. Let's not discourage your self, we did and doing what ever is possible from our side. Just wait and see.




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  • Features and Specification of

  • santhi_krishna
    08-13 11:10 PM
    Did you get this notice or did your lawyer? Do you have an I-140 LUD update?

    My lawyer got the notice and they scanned and sent it to me. My I140 is pending since Jan 2007 and there is no LUD update.

    2010 The specification is addressed compaq 420 specifications. HP Compaq 320 321 420 421 620
  • HP Compaq 320 321 420 421 620

  • PDOCT05
    10-08 10:39 AM
    Did you contact USCIS regarding your case ? Any response or the regular
    'wait for 30/45 more days' answer ?
    Looks like today is holiday..i called up no response.


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  • sledge_hammer
    01-30 05:01 PM
    Everyone does apply through a body shopper which is not right.. but is there a way out.

    If no one is ready to give you a job, then LEAVE to your home country! Period! No one forced you to come to this country. And if you do not have a job then no one has invited you here. You are on your own! But if you want to stay, then abide by the rules. Get yourself into another visa status.

    What makes you think everyone files for H-1B through a body shop? This is the lamest statement I have heard on this forum!

    The morons taking the high moral ground need to make a reality check. let me state that i came here on F1 did my master's and got a job. so i'm not one of those sleazy guys who bent the rules according to these morons.

    there is no one ready to give u a job if u dont have a GC or a EAD or OPT or u go through a consultant. These guys should know that first. Everyone does apply through a body shopper which is not right.. but is there a way out...

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  • Compatible COMPAQ Part

  • snathan
    05-01 04:14 PM
    yes, I want GC for my wife. 6 months to a year addtional wait is ok. Provided I get cleared soon.

    Come on, your comment "limbo for five years" without basis. The FB2 cat is not very far behind. Only 6 months - 1 year behind in most cases. check VB.

    Stop using words anti etc. I am just like you frustrated like hell.

    My primary point is EB dependents must be out of EB quota.
    There is no legal basis for them to be in EB quota. period.

    If you are USC and then you are talking abou the FB2. Not for the GC holder. So will have to wait for years.


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  • E420s Key Specifications

  • saisujatha123
    05-13 12:32 PM
    Not sure Why IV Core should respond when a category goes off... They are working united for all overall suffering and pain for all categories...

    What is IV Core? Sorry! I am new to this forum.I meant the flower campaign for all employment(Eb2 and Eb3) categories

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  • desi3933
    06-27 12:07 PM
    Diptam, Don�t leave the employer but force them to terminate you after 160 days of filing I-485. Don't clear any client interview and force them to pay you salary as it is employers job to give you work. Take rest at home on full salary. A time will come when employer will no longer afford to loose any more money and they will terminate you. Also ask for severance package when they terminate you.

    This is not a legal advice just a suggestion

    There could be a clause in the agreement that employee to pay the amount if he is fired due to bad performance. however, documenting bad performance for the employee is real headache for the employer. But still it can be done.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at


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  • test101
    07-10 08:02 AM
    sorry do not have fax ..... but if you make new thread asking people for help maybe someone can do it with you

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  • tcsonly
    07-09 06:08 PM
    Sent email to KPCC, Pasadena, CA.


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  • nrk
    09-10 01:06 PM
    Hi Kalyan,

    I diagree with you. If you get your GC, you plan to buy a home here and try to settle here. so in my words if you get GC then no more remittances.

    People on H1 they are not sure whether to buy a home or assets here, what if the case i need to go back due to my visa etc.



    Though i can't do it, as i am in India after my Visa Denial, some group of people should adopt Gandhiri priniciples and do a fast unto death principile before the White House while others should support all the people who are fasting.

    Otherwise, our talks will never get noticed.

    India got 52Billion $ in Remittances . Most of them from US. No GC means more remittances.

    Think collectively and do something big.

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  • manderson
    10-16 12:18 PM
    I think the major bone of contention among the legislators is what to do about the illegal immigrants currently in the country. Amnesty OR no amnsesty is the major debate. Other than that both are in a common frame of mind (in some way) one way or the other regarding - border enforcement, legal immigration, retrogression relief. Now, it looks like there is a common agreement that the skillful legal immigration issue has to be separated from the illgegal immigration related Amnesty OR no Amnesty debate. Hopefully we should see something positive in the next few months. This article seems to indicate in that direction since they have agreed upon one more item, border enforcement -

    Last sentence in this article: "However, given the anticipated difficulty in reaching an agreement on comprehensive reform, SKIL Act supporters likely must find an alternative legislative vehicle during the lame-duck session to pass limited relief for highly-educated workers."

    What alternative legislative vehicle are they talking about?


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  • vkjanam
    02-11 04:20 PM
    Here is my txn id.



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  • prince_waiting
    07-20 07:32 AM
    I pledge 200 USD; a small salutation to a great act.

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  • VK373
    06-11 05:52 PM
    They sent you receipt before cashing the checks?

    Sorry for the mis communication, I flip flopped the dates. RD 06/01 and ND 06/06.


    I got them in mail from USCIS, Lincoln NE.


    09-10 08:12 PM
    Its not even worth talking to you guys..

    chillout dude.

    Everyone here is pissed with VB, not just you.

    You should find somebody else to show ur anger, giving me reds won't help your GC cause :D

    03-10 01:55 PM
    what makes you think i am sitting at home waiting for the gc?

    my post was in response to Sayantan's post - go back and read what he said.

    With "you" I meant all those in these forums. Main point is in the second paragraph.

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