Thursday, June 30, 2011

megan fox 2011 may

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  • meridiani.planum
    08-25 01:25 PM
    ,... I haven't visited the forums in a while but doesn't look like much has changed. Division betwen IT and non IT. Dvision between people working at "full time positions". division between eb2 and eb3; country quota, etc.

    its the same script, just the actors change.

    P.S: Remember you from your days on thanks for spending time on IV. The new-kids-on-the-block are always jumpy and eager, many old-timers who have been beaten into submission by USCIS appreciate your expertise and words of caution...

    wallpaper megan fox, Dress, oblò, megan fox 2011 may. 2011 Friday, May 6, 2011 megan
  • 2011 Friday, May 6, 2011 megan

  • Libra
    08-13 03:23 PM
    Your signature shows you got saved by IV efforts, so what is your effort to support IV? Please contribute for sept rally in DC. Thanks.

    I-140 approved from Texas.

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  • megan fox 2011 pictures.

  • rajeev_74
    07-07 10:12 AM
    With H1-B people had some idea that apps might get this case it was a total some people might say miscommunication is not illegal which I strongly disagree...

    When DOS doesnt have a Immigrant Visa available , its just not available.
    DOS made it effective 2nd ,
    "Effective Monday July 2, 2007 there will be no further authorizations in response to requests for Employment-based preference cases. All numbers available to these categories under the FY-2007 annual numerical limitation have been made available. "
    USCIS by law cant accept any applications effective 2nd.

    People whoes H1B applications were accepted on first day and then were rejected , Can they have done something?

    Sir , we are screwed, thats doesnt mean a law is broken

    We need the legislature intervention to make the limit higher.

    2011 2011 Friday, May 6, 2011 megan megan fox 2011 may. 10-May-2011 05:40 120k
  • 10-May-2011 05:40 120k

  • nk2006
    10-20 04:22 PM
    If there's a recession (even with a soft landing) in 2007, as many economists and Wall Street people are saying, and we don't get SKIL Act through congress during lame-duck session -- what will it mean for us? Will business lobbies still have a strong case to sell to lawmakers amid a recession?..

    Yes I think you brought up a very good point. Not sure how much the recession/soft landing will affect the high technology job market. The high tech job market is just picking up in many areas and companies are having tough time to get employees. Whatever the opponents of H1B might say, the fact is getting eligible candidates is tough in many areas. And that is why many big companies are advocating visa increases (they have vested interest in only asking for h1b increase and don�t care about EB numbers; that�s a different issue). To take advantage of that sentiment � this is the best time. We don�t know how political/economic situation in next year (2007) and 2008 being presidential election year, immigration can become a hot button issue and politicians will club our issues with illegals which can confuse everyone. Lame-duck session is our best chance yet to have any of our measures. Corporate world looking for more H1B numbers will work hard and try to put in their measures in some bill. We have to work hard to have our measure clubbed to them.

    If SKILL bill is passed in total that would be our best case scenario but I think its really difficult (anti-immigration groups and their lobbying is much stronger than many of us think; just look at what happened in the last one year to several bills that are even slightly favorable to legal immigration).


    megan fox 2011 may. Friday, May 27, 2011
  • Friday, May 27, 2011

  • babyblue
    06-15 10:08 AM
    We posted our 485 application to Texas service center on May 31st and on 6th June they mailed us the receipt number for me and my wife.
    Checks were also cashed on 6th June.

    megan fox 2011 may. 10-May-2011 05:39 52k
  • 10-May-2011 05:39 52k

  • mbawa2574
    05-09 08:27 AM
    Only logic I can think of is Obama is trying to make low-life irresponsible unskilled Americans happy at the cost of skilled Indian workers. How can this retrogress to 2000. This is insane. I miss the good old Bush days and hope that McCain would have been the President.


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  • megan fox before after

  • 485Mbe4001
    07-28 03:05 PM
    :D well said..

    self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.


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  • ys2jax
    07-03 09:22 AM
    I was initially planning to send a roll of toilet paper with the message "clean your shit"
    but let's go gandhi's way


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  • zoooom
    07-19 09:18 PM
    I will pledge $100 for this drive

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  • megan fox tattoos rib

  • sayantan76
    07-08 02:46 PM
    It all comes down to priorities. If someone's aim to have GC at any cost, he/she will do everything to get to the finish line -- i.e. 180 days past I-485. In my opinion, GC process should be part of life, and it should not hijack 100% of time of highly skilled professional. No wonder, we see so many posts where person is waiting for AC-21 so as to get rid of "blood-sucking employer". For a neutral person, both employee and employer are using system to suit their needs.

    Some people will go the extent of using term "slavery", whereas, actually, their thought process is slaved to the GC process.

    And, employers know this very well and try to use to their advantage.

    >> have 2 years of experience or so, think that they have certain skills and employers would not live without them
    You have described it very well. I have met many of such professionals while interviewing them for jobs. But, the reality is, these same professionals are scraed of their jobs being outsourced.

    Some are simple cookie cutter prgrammers and compare themselves to reasearch scientists and technologically superior.

    Another thing, I have noticed is that while on H-1B, vast majority of professionals claim that they are getting paid prevaling wages, but, on the other hand, they also claim they can make upto 50% more, if they had EAD or green card. Ironic! Isn't it.

    You are right. These are the rules set by current EB immigration system.

    With this so called "exploitation" by whole Employment Based Immigrations, these professionals turn blind eye to whole thing after getting Green Card. Afterall they are, rightly, professionals.

    How many times we see any green card holder or citizen supporting fellow immigrants?

    H1 does not care for F1.
    EAD does not care for H1/F1.
    GC holder does not care for EAD/H1/F1
    Citizens wonder why immigration level is so high.

    Taking a quote from MTV Roadies program, each professional (roadie) is alone and has to look after his own best interests.

    The exchange between Chanduv and Desi3933 has been a refreshingly objective discussion and is a welcome change from the typical hyper-reactionary posts one sees more frequently in this forum.

    One of the features of the fight for EB immigration reforms we all need to be cognizant of is - that most (99%) of the members are in this fight to solve an immediate personal problem (visa situation) in a timely manner - most of us are not in it because we believe it to be a cause larger than us and a cause that demands personal sacrifice - and hence the lack of collective passion (lukewarm responses to IV sponsored drives, donation efforts etc.)

    While - many have tried to compare this cause to India's independence struggle or Gandhiji's movement in South Africa - but the fundamental difference is that in both these struggles - people who led the struggles led it at a personal cost (Gandhiji willingly gave away a lucrative career to take up the struggle and so did Nehru; Netaji Bose was a Civil Services Officer and gave it up) - even the vast majority of revolutionaries (Bhagat Singh et al) were college educated professionals who could easily have had nice careers in British India.........and therein lies the fundamental difference......not one of us would willingly give up what we have for this struggle - we are in it because we are stuck in a system and want some soon as our particular situation gets resolved...we move on....(maybe there are a few exceptions and hats off to these folks).........and hence Desi - the answer to your question why H1 does not care for F1 and EAD does not care for H1 and so is not a collective cause - it is just a collection of individual causes - thats all - we would be fooling ourselves if we had some other grandiose visions - calling this group a cause would be the same as calling passengers on a bus one group - they are in the same bus simply because they share a part of their journey - thats it


    megan fox 2011 may. Megan Fox—tOp 25. Wednesday
  • Megan Fox—tOp 25. Wednesday

  • amitjoey
    11-19 12:43 PM
    JUST 34 members online

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  • megan fox 2011 april. megan

  • GCBy3000
    07-19 11:13 PM
    I am in for $100.

    By the way if we have 20,000 members and even if each pledge $5, we can reimburse the core team expenses. How often we have to teach and tell the Math to our so called highly skilled free riders.

    Some should be feeling really guilty for using IV and not contributing till now. Come out the stingy attitude and help.


    house megan fox 2011 photoshoot. megan fox 2011 may. 13 May, 2011 06:46 PM
  • 13 May, 2011 06:46 PM

  • cr52401
    06-11 10:44 PM
    My bank in Bank of America. I print them and try to do any trick to read the number. No way. I am going to call customer service and ask her to read the number if she can. I applied for my wife and one child.

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  • megan fox 2011 pics. megan fox

  • mchatrvd
    09-10 01:07 PM
    I agree completely with vdlrao and pappu. We are doing our best to put lot of efforts to sort this out by volunteering. What is your guess, how many people stuck in GC mess in the DC Metro area? Thousands, right????? We had a State Chapter meeting for Maryland, Virginia and DC and you know how many show up for the meeting ????? Take a guess...15!!!! You guys just know how to yell and scream at this blog. Convert your anger into something constructive......IV is not the President of this country that would go ahead and pass legislation to bring you relief. It is the lawmakers.....This has to be collective effort. I will like each one of you to first donate, volunteer before coming to this site to blame the organization. You should be thankful to the people running this show putting their time and energy for our cause. President of this country is having hard time to pass a legislation on health care and you expect IV with help of couple of people can get you legislative relief with couple of hundred dollars!!!! Guys wake up to the reality and contribute to IV.....Work with your state chapters...There are lot of people ready to take initiative through your state chapters but they find no one supporting them. Insurance companies are contributing billions of dollars to lobby against a bill. And if you cannot move out of your couch to volunteer, shut up and just wait for next bulletin....


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  • Megan Fox Passion Play Movie

  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-16 10:40 AM
    Dudes & Dudettes,

    Hasnt the issue of processing order been beaten to death?

    I understand the momentum here....not trying to rain on a parade or anything...but shouldnt we be a little practical. How long is litigation going to take? Wont only naive lawyers even take this up?

    USCIS can always pull the security reason trump card here.

    moreover, during the last the effort to not waste visas, low hanging easy to approve cases with later priority dates have gotten approved. wudnt u rather have that than visas going waste?

    We have been patient for a very long time....lets see how the dates move in the 1st 2 quarters of fiscal 09.

    My personal suggestion....stop worrying aout GC...there are much bigger things in life to worry about. :)

    What do we have to lose here by this effort:
    1) $100 or so
    2) A few hrs of effort in mobilising and motivating people

    What do we have to gain:
    1) A sense of unity if we can get anywhere close to 1000 supporters
    2) A chance to win against years of injustice and broken system.

    Comparing both...I'm definitely in.

    Also, we will leave it to the Lawyers to make the case..we all know it is a broken system and loopholes in it definitely will form a case. However, all that are talks up in the air if we cannot have 1000 people support this. First and foremost, we have to create a sound force. Only then we can talk about a future step. With a thousand pledged supporters and 100 grand behind us, we should not underestimate the force.

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  • EADplease
    09-21 02:55 PM
    I got receipt numbers from the checks. Receipt notice date is Sep 14. But haven't received the actual receipts yet.

    For me, since my 140 was approved in TSC, my attorney sent 485 to TSC.


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  • megan fox 2011 photoshoot.

  • amitjoey
    11-18 01:38 PM
    In addition to completing the action item, set up an appointment with my Congressman for the week after next to push for this provision.

    As stated by the more experienced folks involved with this initiative, the bottomline is that any action item should be accompanied by a grass roots effort where all our members should meet with the local congressmen/congresswoman to push for our provisions (in this case visa recapture). Coordinated action items and phone campaigns always help but we should not wait for an action item to talk to the lawmaker offices in our local districts.

    You are absolutely right!. Thanks for taking the initiative to talk to your congressman.

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  • The Megan Fox Superfan Quiz!

  • cjagtap
    07-07 02:31 PM
    Great Job you guys! After all the Congressperson Zoe Lofgren is the Chairperson on the House Judiciary Subcommittee for Immigration, also happens to be from San Jose / Silicon Valley.

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  • saptaswara
    05-09 09:54 PM
    Under the circumstances we might like to approach the Hon'ble President by posting a well drafted letter (not more than a page). Let us see what happens. All letters should be posted withing a specific pre-determined time frame (within one week, say from June 1 to June 7) to create an impact. We might like to achieve a target of say 250,000 letters. This cannot go unnoticed.

    The law suit option is not bad but probably would need serious consideration. The suit will have more impact if we first send the letter. Atleast then we will have a point in our favour - that we have been driven to wall with no option but to fight legally.

    As a starting point can some of us come up with some convincing drafts? We could eventually come up with a good final draft.

    Obama was the only person who did make a mention of the problems faced the legal immigrant community during the campaign. We need to highlight this too.

    Thanks and regards!


    05-21 06:08 PM
    i had biometric yesterday but no Lud yet until today .
    when i will see LUD?
    what is soft LUD and hard LUD?

    11-17 08:35 PM

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